
At Southern Autistic School, we offer a Mathematics Program that is aligned with the Victorian Curriculum. Our program encourages students to develop key mathematical concepts through ‘hands on’ and ‘holistic’ learning experiences and engagement with Mathematics in different settings.

When learning mathematics at Southern Autistic School, students are developing  the proficiencies of Understanding, Fluency, Problem Solving and Reasoning. These are fundamental to learning mathematics and working mathematically and are applied across all three strands: Number and Algebra, Measurement and Geometry and Statistics and Probability.

The needs of all our students are taken into account and facilitated through different learning styles including one-to-one, small group and whole class teaching.  Students develop skills through modelling, guidance and shared understanding. Our school’s mathematics curriculum is constantly developing to meet the very individual needs of the students at Southern Autistic School. We have differentiated lessons that support our students in the next stage of their development in preparation for adulthood. Teaching and learning in mathematics enables further development of life skills.