Southern Autistic School (SAS) is a specialist school dedicated to the education of children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and with significant deficits in language. SAS provides evidence based educational programs to meet the learning needs of children with a diagnosis of ASD. A focus of the current Strategic Plan is making the school a centre of excellence and expertise in the delivery of education for students with autism.
The school is located in the South Eastern Region in East Bentleigh with approximately 290 students aged from 3 to 18 years. Classes have six to ten students with all children having an individual learning plan. Individual Learning Plans are based on the Victorian Curriculum with a focus on developing communication, social interaction and independence skills.
The class teacher is supported by a teaching assistant. Speech pathologists support the development of individual communication programs and occupational therapists add to the comprehensive educational team. A clinical psychologist and an experienced social worker work with families and students to further enhance student wellbeing.
At SAS we implement the Victorian Curriculum and enhance our teaching and learning programs through the use of evidence based approaches and strategies. This includes the implementation of High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS), Hanen Strategies, explicit teaching and Augmentative and Alternative Communication Systems. Our Secondary Programs provide great vocational education opportunities in addition to the recreation and community access. Our Early Education Program utilises Hanen Strategies, and implements aspects and strategies from the Early Start Denver Model.
There are four sub schools on the same campus each led by a highly experienced school leader. Learning Specialists additionally support the development of teaching and learning programs. Our specialist programs vary across the sub schools however include Visual Arts, Media Arts, Design Technology, STEM, Physical Education, Music and Cooking. The Primary aged students also attend a Swimming Program with a magnesium pool on site.
The Southern Autistic School vision for students is to develop lifelong learners who have a sense of belonging and are encouraged to implement their skills and knowledge to make choices and accept responsibility for their decisions.
Our School Wide Positive Behaviour Support values are ‘I am Safe, I am a Learner and I Belong’.
School Wide Positive Behaviour Support principles and approaches are key to supporting student engagement and data. The school is committed to the development of the whole child and works in partnership with parents. We have a supportive parent community who regularly communicate with staff.
Our School Wide Positive Behaviour Support values are ‘I am Safe, I am a Learner and I Belong’.